Friday 2 September 2016

Back at it again... 5 for Friday

It has been way too long so I am so happy to be joining up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to participate in her 5 for Friday!! I love these so without further ado...

1. A colleague of mine told me all about bullet journalling last June. I instantly fell in love with this type of journalling and totally loved all of the examples on Pinterest and Instagram. If you haven't checked it out before, you totally should head over to it! So anyway, I finally got around to put mine together! I am so excited and proud of it! Here are some pictures of my creations so far:

2. This is my first year as a permanent teacher at my school and I knew I needed to give my room a little uplift. I went out and purchased some new book bins and redid all of our Reading Recovery books! The change is amazing! I cannot believe it took me so long to do it. Some of those boxes were from the early 90's... I swear! 

3. I finally took the jump to get Tailwind to help me manage my Pinterest and hopefully take the next leap for my Teachers Pay Teachers account! Andrea, over at Maternelle avec Mme Andrea, was amazing and gave me so many little tips to figure it out. I had been so scared to use it and had no idea how to even get started. I am really hoping it will get more people to my store and maybe even to my blog! Here is to a new school year and hopefully a very successful one!

4. Meanwhile in my personal life, I finally started going for my daily walks again and I started trying to run. For May and June I was getting up every morning and walking before work! It was amazing and I was really starting to feel so good... then summer came and it all went out the window. This week I had PD most of the week so I decided to try and get back into the swing of things. Monday, I planned on just walking but then I started going and I decided that I was going to try to run for a bit! I was so proud that I did it on Tuesday and Wednesday again! I am hoping to keep going with it and just taking it at my own pace! Here is hoping I can keep up with it! You will keep me accountable, right? ;)

5. To go along with my walking, I also started doing food prep! I am so excited that I was able to stay on track and eat well almost the FULL week! I am glad I am started this week because I should be good to go next week when school starts! Hoping to stay on top of this!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my 5 for Friday! The long weekend is all that stands between us and the beginning of the school year... and I am totally ready for it! Bring on this school year! What are you excited about this week? Comment below and let me know :)


  1. Love your blog design! I'm a big fan of using a bullet journal but have been so busy I haven't had time to set up for September yet. Hoping to get some time today to work on it.

  2. Hi Sara!
    First of all, I love your blog design! So colorful and fun! I also love how you transformed your classroom bookshelf. It looks great! Have a good weekend!
    Team J's Second Grade Fun
